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Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Healthcare

How COVID-19 and future-oriented technologies
are revolutionizing the status quo

The book

A digital wake-up call! The book by our CEO & Founder Nicole Formica-Schiller “Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Healthcare: How COVID-19 and future-oriented technologies are revolutionizing the status quo”. Listed as “top pre-order”.

Based on her own theses, Nicole Formica-Schiller gives a fascinating outlook on our future healthcare system 5.0 – digital, innovative. And she goes one step further: imaginatively, she outlines a healthcare system 6.0, with Big Tech, Google, Facebook, Amazon & Co. In doing so, she critically shows the limits and risks.

»COVID-19 – the digital disruptor of the status quo: there can be no sustainable healthcare without digitalization.«

What is already possible digitally in healthcare today and a reality in some countries? Nicole Formica-Schiller illustrates this impressively with a multitude of worldwide use cases (start-ups, clinics, research and development, governments, large corporations, etc.). She clearly demonstrates that some countries urgently need to catch up!

Because health concerns us all!

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The content

Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, data, and the future of healthcare – explained in an easy understandable way for everyone! Even for readers with no prior technical or medical knowledge.

To better understand the new, digital world of health. Nicole Formica-Schiller offers a comprehensive, competent and at the same time visionary overview:

  • Explanations of the most important terms related to the digitization of healthcare
  • International comparisons of current digital developments and technological trends
  • Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: basic structure / functioning / benefits & risks / and sustainability
  • Recommendations for society / politics & business / considering regulatory / socio-political / economic and ethical aspects
  • Examples of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain as a means of coping with future pandemics
  • Outlook on future developments (healthcare 5.0) and the role of Big Tech in an inter-connected / global / ecosystem (healthcare 6.0)

The audience

For anyone who questions the status quo in healthcare. With curiosity and a desire for digital change. And who wants to know more about what is digitally possible. In order to have a say in this increasingly important topic. And to be able to make independent, solution- and purpose-oriented considerations and decisions.

Facts, background knowledge and use cases. Unexpected connections. Memorably visualized with illustrations and tables.

This book is one of the few publications on the market to date, if not the only one, that combines the two important disruptive technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, in one publication. And shows their interconnectedness and impact on the global healthcare ecosystem.

»For more digital health that serves the common good of all. Human! Sustainable! Innovative!«


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